birth control

Federal money is on the table. Why not provide free birth control for Nova Scotians?

SUSAN LEBLANC « » : Manitoba has made history as the first province to sign the federal pharmacare agreement. Manitoba will now get $219 million over the next four years to cover medications like birth control. Providing free birth control would save Nova Scotians money. It would help address the gender-based violence epidemic. We have reminded this government about this opportunity countless times but we have yet to see any action. Why is Nova Scotia dragging its feet on signing this deal and giving Nova Scotians access to the medications they need?

HON. MICHELLE THOMPSON « » : Again, I'll answer the question that we are in active negotiations with the federal government regarding the deal. We need to make sure that this is a financially sustainable approach. We appreciate the opportunity that is before us, but we also have economic realities here that we need to ensure that if that money sunsets - and we expect that after three to five years it will - that we are going to have the capacity to continue to provide the same amount of coverage. In order to do that, we need to look at how we look at the natural resources in this province, how we generate economic development, how we do all of these things; but the Opposition have had nothing good to say about it since we started. I am very committed to looking at this deal and negotiating, but we need to look at the economic opportunities in this province.

SUSAN LEBLANC « » : I know the minister knows this, but reproductive health is an economic opportunity for Nova Scotians. It's all connected. Manitoba didn't wait for the federal money to come in. The province started covering birth control in the Fall because it knew it was the right thing to do, and it was economically sound. We are telling the government that there is money for them on the table right now and every day they delay, Nova Scotians are forced to spend more of their own money to cover this medication. My question is: Will the government ensure that Nova Scotians will have access to the medications they need?

MICHELLE THOMPSON « » : Again, there are a number of ways that people can access birth control through this province. We've talked about them before. Certainly if there is a financial barrier, through the Department of Opportunities and Social Development people have access to birth control. We have the Nova Scotia Family Pharmacare Program. Some people have private insurance - all these different ways to support people who require birth control. We are actively negotiating with the federal government. We cannot rush this negotiation. We cannot get a bad deal for Nova Scotians. We've seen that in the past with other deals when they've been rushed. We need to take our time. We need to ensure that we're doing the right things, that there is economic stability moving forward when and if that money sunsets, which we expect it will.

Why is there no funding for birth control in the budget?

Yesterday I asked the Minister of Health why this year‘s budget didn’t include funding for free birth control. Below is our exchange:

: Speaker, programs that offer free birth control have been shown to be revenue-positive, even in provinces that are funding these medications independently. The cost of providing free birth control is considerably lower than the costs associated with unintended pregnancy, and I can table that. Reproductive rights include access to birth control, and at a time when Nova Scotians are struggling financially, eliminating barriers to birth control is key to ensuring equal access and choice.

My question is for the Minister of Health and Wellness: Why is there no funding for birth control in the budget tabled yesterday?

HON. MICHELLE THOMPSON : Certainly, we currently have a number of programs in Nova Scotia. We offer support through the Family Pharmacare Program. Also, for those who have financial challenges, through the Department of Opportunities and Social Development, there is opportunity to cover birth control, as well as a variety of other ways. We appreciate the question. There has been a lot of advocacy done in regard to birth control. We continue to look at the program available through the federal government and negotiate our deals. Perhaps, there will be more to say in the future.

SUSAN LEBLANC: We need barrier-free access to birth control now. Another initiative that is good for women's health and good for our health care system is take-home HPV test kits. But again, there was no money in the budget for this. This is despite the fact that Nova Scotia Health Authority has said, "We are actively planning the introduction of HPV cell screening, but I understand that this program has not been funded yet by the government." I'll table that. My question for the minister is: Where is the funding for the take-home HPV test kits?

MICHELLE THOMPSON : Again, we are looking at a program for take-home HPV kits. We're working with clinicians to understand how best to roll out that program. There's nothing being held back. That program is not fully realized yet. We are working with the clinicians, who will look at that program and understand how it's best suited to the Nova Scotian environment.

Susan Leblanc pushes government to commit to free birth control for all in N.S.

SUSAN LEBLANC: My question is for the Minister of Health and Wellness. For many Nova Scotians, the cost of birth control prevents them from accessing this basic form of health care. It’s estimated that one in three Nova Scotian workers do not have health benefits, and not all benefit plans offer equal coverage of the care. Insufficient access to birth control leads to worsened health, well-being, and socio-economic outcomes for patients, families, and communities. The minister has worked extensively as a health care provider. Does she find it acceptable that so many Nova Scotians can’t access this important medication?

HON. MICHELLE THOMPSON: Certainly, we’re looking at universal birth control over the last number of months. We know that there are a number of people, through Family Pharmacare, who can access birth control, providing that there is a medication component. I certainly know in the instance of IUDs, in order for those to be covered under Family Pharmacare, there does need to be a medicinal and hormonal component to that. We continue to look at ways to support Nova Scotians. We also know that through the Department of Community Services, as well, there’s free birth control available to those who meet the criteria. We are working all the time to cover things that are important to Nova Scotians, and we’ll continue to do that review.

SUSAN LEBLANC: The minister will know that there are gaps in providing contraception. Earlier this year, British Columbia became the first province to provide access to free prescription contraception.Nova Scotia needs to follow suit. It’s estimated that for every dollar spent on contraception access, there’s up to $90 in public savings. The Access Now Nova Scotia Coalition has called on government to urgently address this issue, supported by organizations like the Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia, the Nova Scotia College of Family Physicians, the Dalhousie Department of Pediatrics, the Dalhousie Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the North End Community Health Centre, and many others. I will table that list. Will the minister commit to ensuring that every Nova Scotian has access to no-cost contraception?

MICHELLE THOMPSON: Our Pharmacare Program is under incredible pressure, as we all know. Not only do we have advancing technologies and therapies, but we also know the costs of drugs are going up. As a department, we continue to look at what we’re best able to supply to Nova Scotians. We want to make sure we have things that are accessible to them and that are needed. There are always competing priorities, and we will continue to balance and look at those over the coming months. We will do what we can to support Nova Scotians.