gling to pay their energy bills, the highest proportion in Canada. I will table that. The Nova Scotia Energy Poverty Task Force, which includes government representatives, delivered a four-step solution to address this problem last Spring. I will table that. My question to the Minister of Energy is: Can the minister please explain why we have seen no action to make the changes that Nova Scotians need to be able to afford their energy bills?
HON. TREVOR BOUDREAU: Speaker, our government has taken extraordinary measures to avoid increases in power rates. I can think of a number of different initiatives. I can think of Bill No. 212, which limited the ability of the NSUARB to allow for increases by Nova Scotia Power. I can think of the $117 million investment that our government made to pay off the fuel adjustment mechanism for making sure that Nova Scotians didn't have a 7 per cent increase in power rates.
We also negotiated a $500 million agreement with the federal government to make sure that Nova Scotians didn't have a 19 per cent increase in power rates. We're doing what we can, and we'll continue to do what we can.
SUSAN LEBLANC « » : This government's commitment to keep future increases within the national average will not help Nova Scotians who are already struggling with the current rates. Any increase will simply add to their financial stress. What is really needed is the four-step solution previously put forward that includes bill affordability, arrears management, crisis intervention, and support to make homes more energy-efficient. When will this government deliver the solutions that Nova Scotians deserve?
TREVOR BOUDREAU: Nova Scotians already have access to programs within those four realms that the member is speaking about. But just as an aside, this government has invested in a number of different ways to support Nova Scotians with the cost of living. In particular, with respect to energy, I think of the Heating Assistance Rebate Program - $600. I think of the HEAT Fund program that is distributed by the Salvation Army that we work on very hard, as well as diversion funding through the Department of Opportunities and Social Development for people on income assistance. We know that Nova Scotians need support, and we'll be that government to be there for them.